Request  a QCC Group Tour
Thank you for your interest in visiting QCC.  This form is to be completed by Counselors.  Please complete the form below to request a group tour.  All tours are held Monday through Friday.  Once we receive your completed form, an Admissions Counselor will contact you via email to confirm the details of your QCC tour.  

Email *
Select a Date of your group tour *
Name of Primary Counselor   *
Primary counselor should be the person in charge of managing this request and who will serve as group leader
Name of Secondary Counselor (if available) *
Provide Email Address For Primary Counselor *
Provide Cell Phone Number For Primary Counselor *
Name of High School or Organization *
How Many Students Will Be In Your Group? *
Tells us a little about your students. *
Besides our campus tour, is there any information you would like for us to share while on our tour?
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