360 Early Years Pilot
We would like to ask for your support in helping us to improve the 360 Early Years tool. At present, this is a pilot version and your responses will help us to make the tool as useful as possible for a range of organisations that might use it.
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How easy to use was the 360EY website? *
Very Difficult
Very Easy
How easy was it to register? *
Very Difficult
Very Easy
Which of the 12 focuses were most relevant? *
How easy was it to navigate the 12 focuses? *
Very Difficult
Very Easy
Any key areas missing or improvements?
How easy was it to enter commentary? *
Very Difficult
Very Easy
Have you accessed the Policy Templates? *
If Yes: how useful have they been?
Very Useless
Very Useful
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We welcome any comments to help us improve our 360 Early Years online safety self-review tool. Please give us any feedback or comments you have from your experience so far :)
Name of organisation (if you wish to be contacted)
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