First Fridays Sign Up!

Sign up for First Friday specials here!

It's A Good Ole Fashioned Ice Cream Social in Downtown Middletown! DMI will have a free Ice cream tasting and a kids ice cream eating contest, at Governors Square, and the DORA will have an adult "ice cream float" crawl, samples for $2! Vote for the best!

All Businesses:

We are looking for businesses to sign up with summer and ice cream specials! This could include kid friendly products, or frosty menu items! Or anything else you have going on!

DORA Businesses: 

We would like to promote a DORA crawl for every First Friday! This month We would love adult "ice cream float" type drinks, or frozen drinks. We will promote $2 sample sizes to encourage walking to every stop. They will vote on the best! You may price your full size however you like! 


As always we are looking for specials or promotions from all downtown establishments. Anything you send in to be highlighted will be shared on our Facebook event pages. Dining/Drinking/shopping/more! 

Deadline June 26th.

If you would like to be more involved with the planning committee for First Fridays please contact Kenzie Bruns.


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Business Name *
DORA crawl:
Drink name and type
Sales/specials/menu items
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