2024 Winter Youth Retreat Registration
"And I will put my Spirit within you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I am the LORD; I have spoken, and I will do it, declares the LORD.” 
<Ezekiel 37:14>

Who: EM Jr High and High School
Where: Pali Retreat Center (Running Springs, CA)
When: December 26~29 (Thursday ~ Sunday)

Early Bird Fee: $225
Early Bird Deadline: 11/10

Normal Registration Fee: $250
Last Day of Registration and Cancellation Deadline: 12/1

Pastor Michael Cha (EM High)
P: (847) 275-2308
E: cha@irvineonnuri.org

Pastor Sam Park (EM Jr. High)
P: (209) 356-5488
E: sam@irvineonnuri.org
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Name / 이름
ex. Sam Park / ex. 샘 박
Date of Birth / 생년월일
ex. 08/10/1996 
Gender / 성별 *
Ministry / 부서 *
Grade / 학년 *
Phone Number / 전화번호 *
Crewneck Size (Adult Size) / 맨투맨 사이즈 *
Guardian Name / 보호자 이름 *
Guardian Phone Number / 보호자 번호 *
Any food allergies? / 음식 알레르기가 있나요? *
What is your prayer for this retreat? / 기도제목
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