JiffyCon East, May 2015, GM Signup
Thank you for signing up to GM a game at JiffyCon East, Saturday 30 May 2015, in Somerville, MA!  JiffyCon can't happen without volunteers such as you!

The morning slot is 3.5 hours, and the afternoon slot is 4 hours.

If you have any questions, need to change something, or need to reach an organizer, email jiffycon@gmail.com.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
Title of Game *
Short and sweet
Game URL
Link for the game, if any
Game Pitch *
This description will accompany the signup sheet
Minimum number of players *
Not including you as GM/facilitator
Maximum number of players *
Not including you as GM/facilitator
What time slot do you prefer to run in?
Clear selection
Is this a playtest? *
Are you running this game to solicit feedback for the designer?
What age group is the game suited for? *
Anything else we need to know?
Clear form
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