Register for SCERTS in Action - Application with Autistic Learners who are Conversational Partners (Open to Somerset Local Authority and NHS Staff) - 26 March 2024 (1pm - 4pm - UK Time)
Hosted by Somerset County Council, Children’s Services, Inclusion - SEN Advisory Services
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SCERTS Reflective Practice & Mentorship Session
This virtual session is the 2nd of 3 mentorship sessions for those staff who have already participated SCERTS Day 1 and Day 2 and are seeking support with implementation with autistic learners who are conversational (using multimodal forms communication). The focus of this session will be on practicing: 1) determining a learner’s stage, 2) writing meaningful, purposeful, and motivating educational goals based on a learner's profile, functional needs, and preferences, and 3) selecting the most relevant interpersonal and learning supports to embed in classroom settings.  
Please provide today's date. *
Name (First and Last) *
Email Address *
Job Title *
Organization / Company *
Name of School (or N/A) *
Have you already participated in SCERTS Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3, as these sessions are designed for those seeking support with implementation? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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