伊中中「學習生活體驗日 Oct 22, 2022」網上登記
Our “Experience Our Learning Day 2022” is successfully finished on Oct 22, 2022 (Sat).
If you wish to know more about our school, please contact us via the school email or school social media. Thank you.

QESOSA Secondary School


伊利沙伯中學舊生會中學 謹啟

電話 Phone : 2338-6122 傳真 Fax : 2448-2783
電郵 Email : info@qos.edu.hk
學校網頁 School Website : https://qos.edu.hk
學校Facebook專頁 School Facebook : https://facebook.com/qos.edu.hk
學校IG專頁 School Instagram : https://instagram.com/qos.edu.hk
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