We Need Organizations Across the Nation to Join the SAVE for All Campaign.
Sign this statement and add your organization's name to other religious groups, service providers, policy experts, unions, civil rights and community groups in the SAVE for All campaign. This will show Congress that the human needs community stands united, with one voice, in telling Congress that protecting vulnerable populations and being fiscally responsible are our priorities, should be their priorities, and that they will hear from us.

Sign on to send a message to Congress: There are numerous, well-organized constituents who want Medicaid, Medicare, the Affordable Care Act, SNAP, SSI, housing, child care, and so many other vital programs to be protected.

The full statement can be found here: https://bit.ly/2E8U6tX

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Are you signing the SAVE For All campaign for yourself or on behalf of a national, state, or local organization? *
If you are an individual who wants to show their support select option 1, if you are signing up your Organization select option 2.
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