Requirements for games (Launcher)
Email *
The name of your game *
Please attach a link to its icon (URL):
Type: image (.webp)
Size: max 200x200 - 100KB
Please attach a link to its banner (URL):
Type: image (.webp)
Size: 1920x770- max 2MB
Provide a short description of your game:
Length: max 250 characters
Provide a longer description of your game:
Length: long (max 1000 characters)
Please provide a link with max five screenshots in FHD (URL):
Type: image (.webp)
Size: FHD - max 1920x1080 2MB per file
Provide links to max three videos:
Type: URL (from YouTube)
Provide links to your social media:
Type: URL
Provide a link to a large icon (URL):
Type: image (.web)
Size: 225x300 max - 0,5MB
Example view of GameSwift Launcher:
Section "News and Articles"
If you want this section to be featured, please fill out the form below:
Provide a link to uploaded game file in .zip:
Type: URL to the zipped game
Please specify the version of the uploaded game:
Type: number (server)
System Requirements
Minimum OS
Recommended OS
Minimum processor
Recommended processor
Minimum RAM
Recommended RAM
Minimum graphics
Recommended graphics
Minimum storage
Recommended storage
Please attach a link to (EULA)
End User License Agreement 

*If you do not have the EULA, please contact GameSwift Team
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