Feasibility Study Survey
We want to hear from you! 

The Feasibility Study will evaluate what is needed and possible, by gaining insights from each household in our congregation. We would be grateful if you could please complete this survey, to be submitted online or returned in the provided envelope before or by August 18, 2024.

You can give additional feedback via THIS link (bit.ly/sothfeedback2024) and sign up for a personal interview via THIS link (bit.ly/sothinterview2024).
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1. How long have you been attending Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church?
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2. What is your overall view of Shepherd of the Hills?
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3. How involved do you consider yourself to currently be in the church?
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4. Would you be willing to serve on the Capital Campaign Team?
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5. Our vision is to reduce or eliminate the current mortgage debt in order to strengthen our financial position and open the door for exciting new growth. This vision is further detailed in the vision overview document. How supportive are you of the overall vision?
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6. How would you be willing to support a future campaign to make our vision a reality? Mark all that apply.
7. In order to define fundraising capabilities, and thus project a financial plan, in what range would your total financial gift be over a three-year period? 
This amount would be above your annual giving. This is not a pledge but an anticipated commitment.
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8. What are your comments, questions, or concerns regarding the vision?
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May the church text you?
Your Name
You can sign up for an interview online at bit.ly/sothinterview2024 or by contacting Richie Musser at 484-364-0781 or rmusser@kirbysmith.com.
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