Shared Ecologies Event: 13 May

We are pleased to invite you to an event, organised by Shared Ecologies, at the FICA Reading Room on Monday, 13th May 2024. The day will consist of two panels on recent exhibitions that look at ecology and a conversation with our recent grantee Aadithya S, as part of the Shared Ecologies Photo Grant 2024-26. 

Monday, 13 May 2024, at FICA Reading Room, Lado Sarai
1:30 - 5 PM: Two Panels with a break in the middle 
5:30 - 7 PM: Zoom conversation with Aadithya S, Shared Ecologies Photo Grantee 

Info on the panels:   
This two-part panel discussion looks to initiate conversations around recent exhibitions that have responded to questions of environment and ecology. Between reporting from weather stations and notes from the field, we can seek place and time within the glacial, the agrarian, the mundane and the familiar. Thinking of carbon dating, we are able to see into our planetary pasts. What imaginations do we lend to nature, and how do we see it coming to life?

Looking at exhibitions as generative, discursive sites, Shared Ecologies is interested in examining growing intersections between art and ecology. We would like to think through the kind of discursive spaces and sensibilities that emerge from the ‘exhibition’ as a modality, and new questions that might be evoked through artistic and curatorial practices.

1. Measures in Time: 
Moderator: Shankar Tripathi
- 28° North and Parallel Weathers, KHOJ: Alina Tiphagne / Indranjan Banerjee 
- Many Acts of Reading: Critical Reflections on the Agrarian, FICA: Annalisa Mansukhani
- Carbon, Science Gallery Bengaluru: Madhushree Kamak

2. Confronting Nature

Moderator: Indanjan Banerjee 
- Our Conspiring Hosts: Of Rivers, Vines, and Microbes, Anant Art Gallery: Adwait Singh
- Chaos Trilogy - Part 3, Guild Art Gallery: Premjish Achari
- Naya Anjor, Anant Art Gallery: Arushi Vats 

Background for the Event
Shared Ecologies aims to invite and engage a network of practitioners and encourage thinking across singular art practices towards correlational work with the possibility for collaboration and exchange. In order to facilitate such sites for discussion, We aim to initiate and disseminate programs, talks and workshops that can engage a wide range of practitioners. Every six months, we will attempt to organise in-person and hybrid events to initiate conversations within our immediate community and reach out to practitioners outside of our current cohort.
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