Hi all. Welcome to FITX120 Waitlist form. First of all, Thank you so much for showing interest in joining in FITX120. But unfortunately, if you are seeing this, our slots are completely filled and if any slots open in future, our team member will contact you within 4 days and onboard you into FITX120. Looking forward to help you in your transformation journey. Cheers!
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Hello! What is your name? *
What is your exact age? *
Select your gender *
Write your email address (So that we can contact you *
Drop your WhatsApp number *
Which city are you from *
What is your occupation *
What is your work timings? *
When do you wanna start the transformation? *
Be 100% honest. What is your fitness goal *
What is stopping you from achieving your fitness goals *
Which of the below options describes your goal for your body? *
Monthly Income *
What makes you interested to work with us *
Do you have a spouse/partner/parents ? If yes, Are they supportive of your working with a consultant *
If you were to find a way to build your dream physique, would you be willing and able to invest in getting the support necessary to reach your goal ? *
How did you get to know about Tharunkumar ? *
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