1stGenYale - Join Our Mailing List
1stGenYale was established by Yale alumni who come from diverse backgrounds, including being 1st in our families to graduate from college or graduate school and those also from underserved backgrounds. We connect with each other to share our stories and have a positive impact on the lives of Yale students and alumni. Yale alumni & students from all schools, degrees, and years are welcome to join us! We'd love to see you at a future event!

1stGenYale is a member of the YAA Shared Interest Group and a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. For more information about our organization and programs, please see our website at: https://1stgenyale.org/.

 For questions, email 1stgenyale@1stgenyale.org.
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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name *
Yale School, Graduation Year & Degree (Students, indicate your expected degree information) (example, YC '20 BA, SOM '24 MBA, or YSPH '15 MPH) *
Academic Major *
Residential College *
Yale Graduate or Professional School *
Current Home Address
Home City *
Home State *
Profession: *
Email Address other than @yale.edu: *
Cell Phone Number: *
Were you first-generation to college and/or graduate school? *
Were you from a low-income background? *
How would you like to be engaged in 1stGenYale?

Consent to Use of Photographic and Video Images: By registering for, attending, or participating in this event, I grant my permission to 1stGenYale, the Yale Alumni Association (YAA), and/or Yale University to photograph my image (and that of my minor guest, if permitted to attend) and the right to use and reproduce such images in all media, including digital and video media, for the purpose of promoting 1stGenYale, Yale University, and the YAA programs and events, and other purposes in accordance with Yale’s mission. I understand that I will have no approval rights with respect to the use of these images.

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