Coaching Calls | Resume & LinkedIn Audit
Please take the time to answer these questions. These give me a general overview of how much help you need *if any*. Sometimes a candidate needs a ton of help, others are already on the right path and just need a few pointers.

The more detailed your answers, the better. This helps me gain more insight to what struggles and pain points you're experiencing, allowing me to give you better advice. 

Typically the times booked are between 7-9pm EST, although accommodations can be made as needed throughout the working day according to your schedule.

The Resume & LinkedIn Audit is $100. 

I'll reach out to you asking for your resume, LinkedIn, and X handle. Once payment is made, we'll book at 30 minute call and review everything together. I'll critique or validate everything, and then follow up with notes and changes to be made. We'll go over these changes until everything looks good. If you prefer an email exchange vs a call that can be arranged as well. 

The Coaching Calls are $200. 

Anything is fare game. Job search strategies. Job offers. Networking. Getting on offense and being proactive. I'll ask for your resume, LinkedIn, X handle, as well as a brief blurb of what you want to discuss, then we'll book a 60 minute call. 

*Note: these are only for tech & creative roles, i.e. Software Engineers, Cloud Engineers, Data Engineers, CyberSec, Networking, Product/Project/Program Managers, Scrum Masters, Business/Data Analysts, UI/UX/Creative Designers, etc. AND Recruiters & sales reps.
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What is your email?
Are you interested in the coaching call or audit?
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How long have you been on the job market?
What is your skillset? Please include title & top 3 skills/tech stack.
How many years of experience do you have?
Where have you struggled?
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Have you tried any other courses, services, ebooks, etc relating to Resumes & LinkedIn Buildouts?
Where are you in your job search? *
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