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In 2009, kids ages 11 to 14 spent the most time with this type of media:
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Who spends more time browsing the Internet, teens (ages 12 to 17) or adults?
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What is a mash-up?
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How many texts on average do teens (ages 13 to 17) send and receive each month?
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In Internet slang, what is a "troll"?
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What is an "avatar"?
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According to the privacy policies of Facebook, how old must you be to register for an account?
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Who can edit articles on Wikipedia, the free, online encyclopedia?
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If someone responds to your instant message by saying, "rofl," what do they mean?
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What is an MMOG?
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What was the first home video game console sold int eh United States?
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How many characters can you send in a regular text message?
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What percentage of tweens use a cell phone?
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With which of the following can young people not only listen to but also crate music?
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As of late 2009, approximately how many views did YouTube get each day?
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