CTBN Event Signup:  FEB-APR 2025

Event 1
CTBN FORUM EVENT - Redefine & Relaunch:  Your Professional Re-Entry
DATE: Wednesday, Feb 19, 2025
TIME: 11:30 AM PST / 1:30 PM CST / 2:30 PM EST
LOCATION: Zoom Link to be provided in Confirmation eM
AGENDA:  Alumni Intros + Keynote + Open Networking

Event 2
CTBN NetConnect
DATE: Wednesday, Mar 5, 2025
TIME: 11:30 AM PST / 1:30 PM CST / 2:30 PM EST
LOCATION: Zoom Link to be provided a few days in advance 
"Network with Intentjust Breakout Rooms

Event 3
DATE: Wednesday, Mar 19, 2025
TIME11:30 AM PDT / 1:30 PM CDT / 2:30 PM EDT
LOCATION: Zoom Link to be provided a few days in advance 
AGENDA:  Alumni Intros + Keynote + Open Networking

Event 4
CTBN NetConnect 
DATE: Wednesday, Apr 2, 2025
TIME11:30 AM PDT / 1:30 PM CDT / 2:30 PM EDT
LOCATION: Zoom Link to be provided a few days in advance
 "Network with Intentjust Breakout Rooms

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Why not register for multiple events at one time, saving time & effort!  Mark them on your calendar now. 
We'll send a calendar invitation a few days prior to the event, with the appropriate Zoom Link.  
Regional Cornell Club Events *
Please inform me of future CTBN Professional Networking Events! *
We're trying to improve our outreach.  How did you learn about this event?
Please select one or more
First Name *
Last Name *
eMail at which to receive event Link (confirming) *
Please copy/paste your LinkedIn URL, if you'd like to share it with others. 
NetID (if a Cornell Alum)
College *
Please indicate your Cornell academic affiliation(s)
College Class Year (YYYY) *
Please use four digit format (YYYY)
State *
Please select your 2-character state code, e.g., CA, AZ, CO, NY, or select OTHER. 
Networking Objective:  Please write 1-2 brief sentences describing what you seek to gain from networking with fellow alums at this event. 

By including your comments, you expressly acknowledge and approve that this information may be shared with other attendees. 
Questions for this month's Key Note Speaker?  Please detail.  Only relevant for FORUM events. 
CTBN Success Story!  We want to know what is working!
CTBN Success Story, Part 2! - IF YOU ANSWERED YES, above, please tell us briefly how CTBN has made a difference? (Say "N/A" if no answer.)
Interested in presenting your 3Min Pitch at future event?
We continue to feature alumni interested in building awareness for their commercial objectives.  Cornell and CTBN neither vet nor endorse the programs, products, individuals or companies.
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I can help!  Contact me about volunteering...

CTBN is run by Alumni Volunteers for Alumni, with the official support of Cornell's Office of Alumni Affairs.  Of course, much more can be done to enhance this life-long experience for Cornell alumni. 

Here's where we need YOU!  

It takes a village of Cornellians to deliver the monthly program content, facilitate break out rooms and to engage regional clubs.  

Please volunteer where you can make the most impact!  Thank you in advance!

I would most like to offer my time to help... 
By registering, you are agreeing to receiving eMails regarding this and future CTBN events.   The conference link details will be displayed after the final screen and a copy will be sent to the email used above 24-36 hours before the event.   *
Future Topics - Is there a Forum topic you would find particularly beneficial to your career development or might like to present?  If so, please let us know your thoughts!
Please acknowledge that your are aware and release Cornell, CTBN and all parties associated that the live event, its chat comments, data entered into the shared CohortConnect form, including your LinkedIn URL and any other data you enter.  This will be recorded for later publication.
The next screen will confirm you registration and provide the ZOOM LINK for the next CTBN event.  Please make a note for your calendar. 
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