Living Boat Trust - Member Introduction and OHS Induction.

New to the LBT or just need a refresher?

This induction covers different sections of LBT shed and boating activity and the safe use of facilities and resources for members and visitors, in line with the National WH&S Model Code of Practice adopted by the Tasmanian Government.

We strive to provide a safe and welcoming facilty to work and undertake activities. The LBT has a casual organsational structure, with more experienced members helping newer members and visitors. This induction will help you become familiar with the shed and gain the confidence to use all the facilities and resources and to be able participate in any LBT activity.

For more detailed information on LBT activities, projects and boats visit the website at or ask a committee member.

Sections to this induction

1. Introduction-preamble
2. General Information
3. Your details
4. Shed and Workshop
5. Kitchen (Optional)
6. Boats and Activities- Getting Involved. (Optional)
6. Acknowledgements
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