Archdiocesan Youth Day - 16 November 2024
Register here for the Archdiocesan Youth Day to be held at the Gillis Centre, Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB on Saturday 16th November 2024, from 11am until 3pm. Please ensure your child comes with a packed lunch and suitable clothes and footwear for the conditions. They should also bring any medicines that they require to take too.
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Name of Child *
Date of Birth *
Address *
Gender *
Responsible Adult *
E-mail address *
Mobile Phone Number *
Additional Adult details (Name, E-mail address & contact number) *
Any medical conditions, please provide brief details (Condition/treatment) *
Is your child allergic to any medication? *
If yes, please provide details. *
Name and contact details of family doctor *
Parental consent: Do you agree to the above declaration concerning your child *
Signature *
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