SnoBahn VIP Registration Form and Questionnaire 
Please complete all questions to the best of your ability and with as much detail as possible.  This information helps us provide the best experience for program participants and collects information crucial for grants.
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Email *
Which Event Will You Attend? *
Participant's Name *
Address *
Phone Number (Home or Mobile) *
Participants Date of Birth *
If you are participating with a school district please provide the name of the district. *
Gender *
Height *
Weight *
Do you identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and/or Queer? *
Race and Ethnicity *
Military Service *
Branch of Service & Rank
(Required if participant is a minor or legally incapacitated.  Please complete.)  
Parent or Guardian Name
Relationship to Program Participant
Address (If different from above)
Phone Number (Home or Mobile)
Email Address
Name *
Phone Number (Home or Mobile) *
Relationship to Participant *
Name *
Phone Number (Home or Mobile) *
Relationship to Participant *
Important: Our arrangement with our sponsors is that we need to keep documentation of your vision loss on file.  Please provide us with a 3rd party verification (Doctor, Rehab Counselor, Etc.)
Please describe your visual impairment including level of sight, if any.  Include visual acuity if known.  Be as descriptive as possible. *
When did your vision loss begin? 
(Birth, particular year or age)
What was the cause of your vision loss, if known? *
Do you use a guide dog? *
If you use a guide dog, will the dog come to Vail with you? *
Are you currently taking any medications? *
If YES, please list all, including over the counter medications.  Please also indicate if these medications affect you at high altitude and/or cause dehydration.
Have you had surgery in the last six months? *
If YES, please describe the surgery.
Do you have allergies? *
If YES, please list your allergies.
Do you carry an EpiPen? *
Are you currently under a doctor's care for ANY CONDITION (other than vision loss)? *
If YES, please explain.
Traumatic Brain Injury? *
If YES, please explain.
Post-Traumatic Stress? *
If YES, please explain.
History of seizures or seizure disorder? *
If YES, please explain.  Include date of most recent seizure and how often they occur.
Deaf or hard of hearing? *
If YES, please explain.
Limited range of motion in any limbs? *
If YES, please explain.
Difficulty with balance? *
If YES, please explain.
Wear any sort of spinal stabilization? *
If YES, please explain.
Any type of paralysis? *
If YES, please explain.
Sensitivity to hot or cold? *
If YES, please explain.
Difficulty speaking or communicating? *
If YES, please explain.
Difficulty remembering or following directions? *
If YES, please explain.
Emotional and/or behavioral concerns we should know about? *
If YES, please explain.
Personal care or independence concerns? *
If YES, please explain.
Cognitive or developmental delay? *
If YES, please explain.
Heart/Cardiac condition? *
If YES, please explain.
Respiratory condition? *
If YES, please explain.
Are you allergic to anything? *
If YES, please explain.
Are you able to walk on your own, without the assistance of other people or medical devices? *
If NO please explain.
Do you need to limit your activities for any reason? *
If YES, please explain.
Please list any other medical conditions, concerns or instructions not mentioned above (i.e., bone disease, easily fatigued, weakened immune system, etc.)
Please select whether you are interested in participating in skiing or snowboarding: (Please choose only one.) *
Have you participated in either skiing or snowboarding before? *
If YES, please list which sport/activity and your last participation date for each: *
What is your level of skiing/snowboarding? *
If OTHER, please explain
Have you had previous experience being guided?
Please indicate yes or no.  If yes please share when and where.
When was the last time you went skiing/snowboarding? And Where? *
What are your favorite runs?
What are your fears, if any, about skiing or snowboarding? *
Do you need rental equipment?  If YES please provide the following information.

SKIERS: Shoe size and ski length (If known)

SNOWBOARDERS: Shoe size, Goofy (right foot forward) or Regular, board length (if known), strap or step-in.
What are your likes/dislikes? *
What are your sport or recreation goals? *
What other physical activities do you participate in? *
Will a caregiver be accompanying you? *
If YES, please provide name and contact information.
Please provide any additional information that will help us create a successful experience for you.
Where did you hear about Foresight Adventure Guides for the Blind?
A sensitive question but funders are all about diversity, equity and inclusion nowadays.  Most of our funders want to know, generally, the income level of our participants to be sure we are being equitable and inclusive, especially since we pride ourselves in offering our programs at no cost.  We will NOT reveal your individual income information - just generally as a group:  "X" percent of our VIP's reported income of "$20,000-$50,000, etc.  We appreciate you answering this question but understand for some it may be uncomfortable.  If that's the case please indicate you "prefer not to answer."   *
I certify that the information provided in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
Name *
If the participant is under 18 or legally incapacitated, please complete the final few questions.
Parent/Legal Guardian's Name
Relationship to Participant
Today's Date *
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.  Please contact us if you have any questions.
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