Instructional Technology Listserv
In an effort to connect educational technology leaders across our state, the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) has created an Instructional Technology Listserv. Members of the Instructional Technology Listserv will receive important Instructional Technology updates and professional development opportunities from the MDE. Additionally, members may use the listserv to connect with colleagues around the state to share ideas and offer insight and support. If you would like to join the listserv, please complete the form below.
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School District *
Job Title *
Email address *
MDE Listserv Etiquette
Below are informal rules and procedures established for users of listserv mailing lists to provide some simple guidelines to make this electronic communication tool beneficial to all users and to avoid unwanted messages.

1. Be sure to include a descriptive subject line. E-mails received with no subject line may likely be perceived as spam by an email filter and be deleted before reaching the recipient’s inbox.

2.  Responses to questions and discussion topics can be of interest to the entire list. In these cases, it is appropriate to reply to the listserv address. Hitting the “Reply” button will send your response to the entire list.

3.  Personal replies should be directed to specific individuals rather than to the entire list. Remember to cut and paste the sender’s e-mail address when replying.

4.  Be respectful and considerate of your colleagues in your postings.

5.  This listserv may not be used for the following:
        •  solicitation, promotion, or sales of commercial products or services.
        •  campaign purposes by members running for an elected leadership position.
        •  posting job announcements or position descriptions.

Users that do not follow the above etiquette will be immediately removed from the listserv. For questions regarding the listserv, please contact Melissa Banks at

Please contact me if you have any questions or if I can be of any assistance to you or your district.

Melissa Banks,  Instructional Technology Specialist
Office of Elementary Education and Reading
P.O. Box 771 | Jackson, MS | 39205-0771
Tel 359-2586  |
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