I give permission to South Cape York Catchments Inc. to collect, use and disclose my images and/or voice and personal information, and specifically for SCYC to disclose the images and personal information to the Australian Government for its use for publications for promotional and information purposes, including but not limited to:
Reports, books, brochures, research, publications, zoning maps, newsletters, fact sheets, e-promotions, calendars, PowerPoint presentations, advertising, public displays, television or radio advertisement/programs, promotional products, posters, billboards, internet, media (including social media) and possible supply to a third party.
I agree that my personal information may be utilised in any of the above-mentioned purposes which may result in my identification. I also understand that once my personal details are utilised for an official purpose, SCYC have no control over its subsequent use and/or disclosure.
I release and discharge SCYC from and claims or demands that could be made in connection with the use of my personal information for an official purpose referred to above.
Privacy Statement: The personal information submitted on this form is collected by SCYC for the purpose of obtaining your consent for using, disclosing and publishing your personal information. Except in the carrying out of an official purpose, SCYC will not otherwise disclose your personal information to any third party, without your consent, unless it is required to do so by law.
SCYC's Privacy Policy contains information about how you may:
access and seek correction of your personal information and complain to SCYC about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how SCYC will deal with such a complaint.