Proposal Submission Form for Maryland TESOL's Western Maryland Mini-Conference 2025
Thank you for submitting a proposal to present at our 2025 Western Maryland Mini-Conference. Proposal submission deadline is April 1st, 2025.  All presenters must register for the conference.
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Email *
Lead Presenter - (Full Name) *
Lead Presenter - (Affiliation) *
Presenter 2 - (Full Name)
Lead Presenter - Biography (50 word limit) *
Presenter 2 - (Affiliation)
Presenter 2 - Biography (50 word limit)
Presenter 3 - (Full Name)
Presenter 3 - (Affiliation)
Presenter 3 - Biography (50 word limit) 
Presentation Title
Presentation Abstract (50 word limit)  *
Presentation Description (250 word limit) *
Intended Audience or Context
Is this a commercial presentation designed to promote a business or product, or being designed by a company for profit?
If yes, please specify the company and/or product.
Session type
Yes, I understand that registration is required for all presenters. I agree to this as a condition for presenting at the conference.
Attendance at MDTESOL events constitutes consent to the use and distribution of attendees' image or voice for publicity, promotional, and/or reporting purposes in print or electronic media. I agree to allow MDTESOL to photograph or video record the presentation.
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