Thank you for completing this questionnaire. By submitting your responses you agree to this information being used for the evaluation of the ACTIon programme.
This survey is collecting information from ACTIon trainers so we can understand the impact of the project. The information you provide here is for evaluation purposes only. Any information you provide may be reported anonymously in ACTIon reports only. Your information will not be passed to any organisation beyond the ACTIon partnership (, and your name will never appear in any report.
You provide your name so we can understand impact at individual level. Your name will be deleted from the records of this evaluation at the end of the project – and by June 2024 at the latest.
The evaluation is being carried out by Isham Education and Community Ltd – you can find more information on IEC here:
For information on how we process your data, read our privacy notice:
To download a copy of this notice, please click here: