Research project on Entrepreneurship and Education


I'm a final-year high school student conducting a research project on the link between education, and entrepreneurship. Could you spare a moment to complete a brief survey? Your responses will be used anonymously for my final presentation and my research report.

Time Required: 5 minutes

My research question: "To what extend does education promote entrepreneurship and innovation?" (focused primarily on the UK). By answering these questions, you agree to share your information anonymously, contributing significantly to the depth and quality of my research.

Your input is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Ridwaan Joomun

Email *
Name *
Do you consider yourself an entrepreneur? *
If yes, what is one of the most successful projects your undertook as an entrepreneur.
Have you made: less that 1k, more than 1k but less than 3k or more than 3k per month in profit? (it is to filter the responses)
How far do you agree that traditional education system is a deterrent to entrepreneurship? (it teaches "unnecessary" skills, discourages risk taking...) - By traditional education system I mean normal high school education *
100% disagree
100% agree
How useful do you think a degree in entrepreneurship / Business is? (from your experience and your expertise in the field - even if you did not get a degree in entrepreneurship) *
Very useful
How useful are entrepreneurship classes at university? *
Very useful
Nowadays, many people believe that it is useless to go to university especially if your goal is to become an entrepreneur. Reasons put forward include high tuition fees, time wasted and unnecessary qualifications. How far do you agree? *
If you have any tips or any information you would like to share that could help me in my research project, you can add it here. *
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