Brollie Feedback Form

We hope you have enjoyed Brollie so far!

Your viewing habits and insights will be instrumental to helping us further develop the platform. We would very much appreciate your feedback. Unless you enter your email at the end, this survey is anonymous. 

Thank you!
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What device are you watching on
How often have you experienced technical difficulties with Brollie?
Very Frequently
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If so, please answer these questions:

1. What film did the issue occur while watching?

2. What device were you using?

3. What operating system is your device (if known)?

4. What was the issue?

How would rate your experience navigating Brollie?
Very Easy
Very Difficult
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How interested have you been in the Brollie Film Club curations?
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How likely are you to recommend Brollie? 
Not Likely
Very Likely
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What features would you like to see in a future update?
Do you have any film recommendations that you would like to see come to Brollie?
Do you have any other feedback, comments, or recommendations for us?
Please enter your email if you would like us to get back to you about any issues you mentioned.
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