2024-2025 K-5 Christian Formation Registration
Thank you for registering your child(ren) for faith formation this year.  We are excited to provide fun & faith-filled instruction!

Please provide your email address. You will receive a copy of the information submitted in this form.

Note: This form is only to be used to register children in Kindergarten - 5th grade.  To register for programming for children in 6th-12th grade, please click here or contact our Youth Minister, Patrick Drury (patrickd@incarnationparish.org).

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Email *
Mother's full name (including maiden name) *
Father's full name *
Family's Complete Mailing Address *
Phone Number *
Parent's preferred language *
Please list any family concerns (custody arrangements, etc.) that affect the family's experience within our program.  (Please list "None" if not applicable.) *
Please list the full names of all adults (other than parents) who are authorized to pick up your children from our classes.  (Individuals must be 18+ years old.)
We use Flocknotes as a primary form of communication for information sent from our Christian Formation Staff and our catechists. Please select all acceptable methods of delivery for these messages. *
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