BTBA Feb Monthly meeting: Intro to HEOR and Mentorship kickoff

HEOR session: 

月會的第一部份,1:00-2:00我們邀請到目前在Costello medical 擔任 Health Economist的Blake Liu來和大家分享HEOR目前的進展,包括各國的藥價是怎麼制定的、怎樣決定藥價是否合理、目前的IRA法案又會怎樣影響藥價與生技製藥業的發展呢等等議題。

Mentorship session: 

月會的第二部分2:00-3:00則是mentorship program的開場。我們邀請到和從教職轉任life coach的張碧環學姊 和 有多年mentoring經驗目前擔任Director and Head of Solid-State Science & API Engineering in Material & Analytical Sciences (MAS) at Boehringer Ingelheim  Bing-Shiou Yang大哥來分享 如何找到人生的方向  如何經營一段mentor-mentee的關係。不論有沒有參加mentorship prorgam都歡迎參加演講。

▶️  Time:
2023-02-11 (Sat) 
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (ET) Intro to HEOR and monthly meeting
2:00 pm - 2:45pm (ET)  Mentorship kickoff panel - experience sharing: making a difference: guidance from mentor and life coach

▶️  Place: 

Mt Auburn Room, 2F, Harvard Smith Campus Center.

(Address: 1350 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138)

 Mt Auburn St側大門口右手邊為哈佛健康中心,從中心旁邊的樓梯上樓即為會場

▶️  Speakers:

HEOR session: 

Blake Liu

  • Health Economist in the consulting industry
  • Health economics modeling in various disease areas including oncology, cardiology, and infectious disease
  • Health economics research in cardiology and environmental health

Mentorship session: 

Bing-Shiou Yang

  • Participated in multiple mentorship programs, including the TAAB mentorship program.

  • Ph.D. Chemical Engineer with 20+ years of pharmaceutical process development experiences in the areas of API isolation development, solid-state and engineering technologies.

  • Leads a multidisciplinary group that broadly facilitates Boehringer Ingelheim’s small molecule portfolio through scientific leadership and innovation

Bei-Hung Chang

  • Retired professor who had conducted research in the area of mind-body-spirit medicine at Boston University School of Public Health and the VA Boston Health Care System.

  • Became a professional life and spiritual coach after her retirement from academia in 2018.

  • Life coaching is a fast growing young profession with empirical evidence for achieving goals, improving well-being and reducing distress.

▶️  Co-Host Organizations:
◆ Harvard GSAS Taiwan Student Association (HTSA)

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