GSU-UE Local 1103 General Membership Meeting
When: Wednesday, December 11th, 5:30 - 7:30pm (Food at 5:30pm, meeting starts at 6pm)
Where: TBD
Who: Members of GSU-UE Local 1103

You must be a card signing member of GSU-UE Local 1103 to attend. The easiest way to do that is to sign the GSU-UE Local 1103 membership card

For more information, please check the Membership and Dues FAQ on our website.
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Last Name *
UChicago email *
Will you attend in person or on Zoom?
Will you attend the GSU Holiday Party (post-GMM, same place)? 
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Have you become a member of GSU-UE Local 1103 yet?  *
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
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Will you need childcare? If so, for how many children?
No childcare needed!
Need chilldcare for 5 children
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