Solar Eclipse Data Collection Project

The ADE Office of Computer Science is excited to announce we will be partnering with the University of Central Arkansas and the Science Specialists from the education cooperatives on a Statewide Solar Eclipse Data Collection project.  We will work statewide to monitor light and temperature levels during the solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024. High schools who wish to participate will receive all necessary equipment at an upcoming professional development.

These schools will select two educators (ideally computer science and science) for a 2-day professional development prior to the solar eclipse and another 1-day follow-up later in the spring. 

We encourage high schools from every county to participate, regardless of location relative to the path of totality or school closure. We will provide instructions for schools who wish to participate even if the school is closed during the eclipse.

Register as soon as possible because participation may be limited. 

If you have any questions, please contact the ADE Office of Computer Science at

Email *
School District: *
School Building: *
County of school district: *
School district's local educational cooperative: *
Primary contact person for the Solar Eclipse Project: *
Primary contact's title: *
Primary contact's email: *
Name of school administrator: *
Email address of school administrator: *
Name of Teacher 1 participating in the project: *
Teacher 1 email address: *
Teacher 1 subject area:
Name of Teacher 2 participating in the project: *
Teacher 2 email address: *
Teacher 2 subject area:
My school's principal, superintendent, and any other necessary school leadership approve of my involvement in this project. *
I understand that two teachers (ideally a computer science teacher and science teacher) from my school district will be expected to attend a 2-day professional development prior to the solar eclipse plus a 1-day follow-up session at the local educational cooperative in order to participate in the project. *
I understand that my school district will be receiving the necessary equipment to participate in this project by attending the specified professional development, and that the equipment will be retained by the school district following the completion of the project. *
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