Please fill out the form below if you wish to enter a team for the 38th Annual World Championship Crawfish Etouffee Cook-off on Saturday, March 29, 2025.
Below is more information about the contest:
1- You may set-up your
booth Friday or Saturday morning.
(Note: Try to set-up
booth on Friday there will be security at Pavilion Friday night. If Saturday, you must be set-up by
9:00 am).
2- You may begin selling
your Crawfish Etouffee at 11:00 am.
3- Size of booth space: 12'x 12' – You may purchase more
than 1 booth space if you require more than 12 feet.
4- Electricity
is NOT available. Use butane burners,
camping stoves, etc., NO GROUND FIRES ALLOWED.
All cooking of Etouffee must be done ON SITE! Rice may be brought precooked. Generators may
be used to cook other food items only!
5- We suggest that you cook a minimum of fifteen
pounds (15 lbs.) of crawfish. This will
help you to recoup your expenses and help feed the crowd we expect. You are REQUIRED sell your Etouffee in 8oz.
cups and charge $3.00 per sample. If you do not want to keep the money, you may
donate it, but you MUST collect
the $3.00 per cup. Participants provide your own cups, utensils and
napkins. You must also provide your own
start-up money (for making change), as well as, your own shelter, cover, tent,
chairs, etc.
6- The “Chief Cook” is responsible for
keeping your area clean and for bringing your booth’s sample for judging
between 10:30 A.M. and 11:00 A.M.
7- The winners will be announced from the
Music Stage at approximately 3:30 P.M.
Trophies are given for Cooking and Best Booth Decoration. We will
give a trophy for a Listeners Choice Award.
Voting will take place at the KEUN van for the Cook-off Entry of your
choice. Anyone will be able to vote for
Listeners Choice.
The Eunice Chamber of Commerce will sell tickets for beverages – only the Chamber of Commerce will sell beverages. Please, DO NOT accept any tickets at your booth, these tickets are to be used to purchase beverages only!
Categories are listed below, Chamber will place you in correct category based on your Chief Cook
AMATEUR (1st, 2nd & 3rd Place)
PROFESSIONAL (1st, 2nd & 3rd Place)
Best Decorated Booth (1st, 2nd & 3rd Place)
Participants can remit the $75.00 fee by mailing a check or money order to:
Eunice Chamber of Commerce
P. O. Box 508
Eunice, LA 70535
Payments can also be made conveniently via PayPal to Please include name of team when submitting all payments.