2024 Mindfulness Meditation @Wat Pa Sukato
7-day-course by Phra Ajahn Somchai Archaro and Phra Ajahn Anocha Arthichitto. 
Only November course is 9-day-course.
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Please read below rules & instructions before applying the form. If you don't agree any items, please disregard the enrollment.

1. Applicant must attend full course at the beginning day until course end.

2. Pre-arrival before course starting is welcome.  Notification to the contact staff is required (date/time to be arrived).  This is for well-prepared accommodation and give advice(s) while you're staying in the temple.

3. Practice the Dynamic Meditation of Awakened Master Luangpor Teean Jittasubho.  We are welcome the non-experienced applicant(s) to this kind of meditation.  Except for November course is reserved for only experienced applicants who use to attended 7-day-course.

4. The applicant, if there is sick symthom before course starting 1-2 days e.g. fever, cough, running nose, please cancel the course and notify contact person immediately.

5. This is non-smoking course and free of caffeinated drinks (tea/coffee not allowed).

6. Show up yourself at Trai Luck Registration Office by 12.00 pm. or early as arrived the temple.  This is to prepare your accommodation & bedding e.g. sleeping mat, pillow+case, blankets and locate your room or tent site.

7. Orientation at 01:00 pm. (1st day of the course), Chanting Hall, please be punctual.

8. Request for 8 precepts, easy living, suppressible sensuality (Abstaining from 1. killing, 2. stealing, 3. sexual activity, 4. telling lies, 5. intoxicating drinks & drugs, 6. eating afternoon, 7. entertainment and beautifying the body, 8. using luxurious embellishment/furniture). 🙂 Exception to who has health issue and need to have meal in the evening for taking medicine after meal.  Informing in advance to Phra Ajahn is required and request for only 5 precepts and for preparing foods(dinner).

9. No talk/chit chat each other during the course, except to ask your question to Phra Ajahn.

10. To focus on meditation and effectiveness, all kind of communication equipments you bring will be kept and stored in secure place by Phra Ajahn. You will get it return at the last day of the course.

11. This course is free of charges.

12. Contact person for the event is Khun Navakun (email: nvkunp@gmail.com) 

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