Return to School Parent Survey
The Brunswick Central School District is in the initial planning stages for what a return to school may look like this fall. Although New York State has provided preliminary guidelines for reopening this is a dynamic process. Our District knows that it is important we approach the return to school with options in place. These options will evolve and adapt over the coming weeks as we receive more information from New York State and formally submit a plan for approval.

Using preliminary guidelines and plans from other states, we understand the following as part of a reopening: face masks or face shields will be worn, social distancing protocols will be in place, students and staff will have their temperature taken on a daily basis.

Ultimately, we must work within the parameters given to us and follow all New York State guidelines on reopening. Your responses to this survey will help guide us while planning for the fall. Your feedback is crucial to help ensure the health and safety of both the students and staff in the age of COVID-19.

You may have more than one child attending school at Brunswick CSD. We would like only one survey completed per family/household. The survey is open from Tuesday, July 16 to Tuesday, July 22.

We thank you very much for your assistance in helping us to plan for resources and protocols for return to school when the Governor decides that we have met the benchmarks for reopening.

You have my commitment to communicate frequently and to open the opportunities for feedback during the development of the plan. As always, the health and safety of our students and staff is our number one priority.

Thank you for your help as we learn how to navigate new instructional structures and new safety protocols during the COVID pandemic.
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1. Parent/Guardian: Last + First Name (Optional)
If you provide your name, please make sure it's in this format: Last, First
How many of your children attend Brunswick CSD? *
3. What grade level is your child or children? (please check all boxes as necessary) *
4. Does your child or children receiving one of the following services? *
5. Please give your opinion on the following: *
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
If school is open in the fall, I am likely to send my child
My child is eager to return to school
I am concerned about my child's health and safety if we return to school
My child misses extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, etc.)
During the closure in Spring 2020, I was able to balance my child's school obligations with my personal responsibilities
I am concerned about access to childcare if we return to school
I am worried about access to childcare if we do not return to school or I choose not to send my child
I'm not sure what I will do
6. Please answer assuming that returning to school is permissible. Based on your safety needs/concerns and your comfort level, please rank the following options for school in the fall from 1 (most preferred) to 4 (least preferred).  Please fill out each line. *
1 (most preferred)
4 (least preferred)
Return to school on-site using a daily schedule similar to prior years
Return to school using a modified schedule (i.e. every other day, every other week, partial grade levels)
A hybrid model of on-site and remote learning
Remote learning only
7. When thinking about returning to school, please respond to the following: *
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Disagree
The design of the building allows enough space for social distancing
Students will be able to maintain social distancing, avoid large groups, avoid physical contact, and other safety protocols
My child's stress and anxiety levels have decreased since transitioning to remote learning
I believe the District will be able to safely transport my child to and from school
I believe the District will be able to adequately implement health and safety protocols
I'm worried about getting my child(ren) to wear a mask
8. One major obstacle to opening schools rests in distancing students on our buses.  Our budget does not allow for more buses or drivers.  Moreover, it is unlikely that additional drivers would be available were there funds to increase our staffing.  With that in mind, and knowing the value of social distancing, the Department of Health is encouraging parents to consider walking their child(ren) to school or providing transportation for their children to decrease the number of passengers on school buses.  During the COVID-19 emergency... *
9. The district will maintain protocols and procedures for students, faculty, staff, and other individuals to ensure appropriate personal protective equipment is used when on school grounds and in school facilities.  According to the current guidance, these will be required to be worn at any time or place that individuals cannot maintain appropriate social distancing.  Students will be allowed to remove their face coverings during meals and for short breaks as long as they maintain social distancing.  Acceptable coverings include but are not limited to cloth-based face coverings and surgical masks that cover both the mouth and nose.  The District will request that students bring their own face coverings, though we will provide such coverings to any student that does not have their own at no cost to the student.            Will you be able to provide your child(ren) with a face covering?
Clear selection
10. As per the current guidance, we will implement health screenings of students, faculty, staff, and visitors.  Specifically, all individuals must have their temperature checked each day.  Ideally, the Department of Health strongly advises that screenings involve the parent/guardian before the students report to the school and that parents keep children home if they have a temperature of 100.0 or greater.  Will you be able to take your child’s temperature prior to your child reporting to school?
Clear selection
11. Please feel free to share any other information you believe is important on the possibility of returning to school. (optional)
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