Constituents like yourself have the power to influence your member’s priorities- they need and want to hear from you! With TWO bills under consideration in the 118th Congress, stillbirth is finally getting the attention that it has long deserved! Please complete this brief form to explain "why" these bills matter to you.

This is a petition to let your members of Congress know why their continued support for both the Stillbirth Health Improvement and Education for Autumn Act (H.R. 5012/S. 2647) and the Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act (H.R. 4581/S. 2231) is crucial to each bills success AND to urge those, who have not supported them in the past, to do so.

The Stillbirth Health Improvement and Education (SHINE) for Autumn Act will focus on preventing stillbirth through enhanced data collection, research, education, and awareness by creating the first comprehensive, federal-state partnership to reduce the incidence of stillbirth in our country. Click HERE for more info on The SHINE for Autumn Act.

The Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act will clarify that stillbirth prevention activities are an allowable use of funds under Title V of the Social Security Act to further support stillbirth prevention programs. Only 16 states are currently using Title V funds on stillbirth prevention. Click HERE for more info on The Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act.

Stillbirth is a neglected public health crisis that tragically accounts for the deaths of over 21,000 babies every year in our country. That is tens of thousands of parents whose lives are destroyed by the death of their deeply loved and very much wanted baby annually in the United States.  

Stillbirth has gone unaddressed for far too long in the U.S. – we can and must do better! We need to be doing more to prevent American families from enduring the heart-breaking tragedy of stillbirth. BOTH bills are considered critical in stillbirth prevention.

Thank you for lending your voice and helping us to raise the volume on the American stillbirth crisis! 

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Below, please share with us why it's important to you that both of these bills get passed and signed into law this Congress.
ex: my son, Jude, was stillborn in 2017, my friend lost her daughter to stillbirth, I am an advocate for women's health, I am a healthcare worker, etc.
I give my consent to share my response with all necessary elected officials to express my support for all national level stillbirth related efforts. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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