Landlord Survey
The Providence Housing Authority (PHA) is seeking feedback about its Housing Choice Voucher (Section
8) program.  This survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. Your responses will help inform future changes to our program, including the use of grant funding for landlord incentives and technical assistance.

Please complete and submit your survey no later than 5:00 PM Wednesday, August 12th, 2020.

While your responses are confidential, we do ask you to include your contact info below.  One lucky respondent will be selected to win a $100 gift card for participating in our brief survey.
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Are you a
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Select the statement(s) that best describe you... *
How many units do you own or manage in Providence? *
Do you live on-site at any of the properties where you have rental units? *
Please rate the importance of the following reasons why landlords do not rent to Section 8 tenants.
Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not sure
Rents offered by PHA are too low
Too much paperwork
Inspection process is cumbersome
Applicants do not typically meet criteria (such as credit score, background check)
Tenants believed to be more likely to violate the lease
Section 8 tenants need extra support (such as housekeeping, mental health services, etc)
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