50-Hour Squash Marathon - WCC Christmas Charity Squash Marathon

Entry Fee - R250.00 pp

Entry Closing Date: 10 November 2023

What it’s all about

Two well-known rival squash districts from KZN, Coastal District, (which includes Dolphin Coast, South Coast, Toti, Crusaders and Westville) and Upper Highway District, (which includes Kloof, Gillitts, Midlands and Northern KZN), each comprising 100-player squads, will compete against each other in a non-stop challenge of 50 hours for Charity. The first game will start at 13h00 on Friday the 15th December 2023 and the last game will end on Sunday the 17th December 2023 at 15h00.

How it works

Over the 50 hours, 200 players (100 from each district) will step onto one of two courts and play an opponent of similar strength from the rival district, for one hour, thereby having multiple squash games run for 50 hours straight – a one-of-a-kind squash event in the world! 4 quick water breaks of 30 seconds each are allowed. Players will make as many points as possible in an hour, for his or her district.

The Points tally will start at 0 when the first game commences on Friday afternoon.

At the end of the 50 hours, both districts’ points will be added together, to calculate how many points were scored over-all.

Our Charities

  1. Flame Lily Park Retirement Village (Moth Cottages)
  2. Keep Westville  Beautiful
  3. Animal Antics Pet Rescue NPC2017/659120/08
  4. Hospice
  5. Headway Natal (Headway Natal | A non-profit rehabilitation centre for brain injury, stroke victims and those caring for them.)
  6. C.R.O.W. KZN

The EXTRA’s?

For neighbouring clubs and squash enthusiasts, there will be a unique opportunity to purchase time on court with a Pro, who will provide upskilling and training sessions. Profits will go to Charity.

Food and Drink will be available for purchase.

We need you

This charity event aims to give back to the less fortunate for Christmas. All proceeds from the entry fees, sponsors and selling of training sessions with professional squash players will be donated.

We need your help – we need buy in from companies to successfully raise as much as possible for Charity. So, how can you as a company participate in this unique event and assist in raising money for Charity?

We are asking companies to sponsor per point. 50c, R1, R5, R10. The overall points, scored from both teams will be multiplied by the amount per point specified by your company and that will be the company’s contribution.

So how may points can one score in 50 hour you might ask?

Well, Last year the total points score on one court over the 50-hour period was 9365 points.

So how much is your company be willing to bet on a point. 50 cents, R1, R5, R10,…?

This is a unique, first of its kind Charity Fund-raising event show-casing the talent of players of different skill levels, with exhibition games by world class South African Professionals, food and drinks, training and upskilling and a whole lot of fun. AND most significantly, money will be raised to support a worthy cause.

Let’s pull together and make CHARITY THE WINNER this Christmas!

We look forward to your participation in this exciting venture.

Email *
Name & Surname *
Email *
Contact Number (Whats App Number) *
Gender *
Age *
District - Team *
Name of Home Squash Club *
Strength *
Shirt Options *
Availability or Time slot requirements
Format - Put me down for the following options *
I would like to know more about becoming a sponsor to the event. *
I would like a training session with a pro @R250.00 per 20mins. *
Donations - I'm willing to Donate over and above the Entry Fee
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