Youth Group Feedback Form
Thank you for inviting UMaine Cooperative Extension’s EFNEP staff into your classroom to provide food and nutrition education to your students. Please complete  this short feedback form so we can improve our programming for future classes and understand how our collaboration has been a benefit to the students in your classroom. Your responses can be as detailed as you like, but please do not mention any student names. Thank you in advance for your time and effort!
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Community Education Assistant Name
Your Name
What impact has this series had on your students (either individually or as a group)?
Which activities did you find the students were most receptive to?
Which activities did you find the students were least receptive to?
Did the program meet your expectations?
With any program there is room for improvement. What suggestions would you have to improve these classes?
Do we have permission to use your feedback for future testimonials to be advertised on our website and social media? Your name (and any other names) will be anonymous.
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