New Hampshire Peace Action Survey
Please let us know what you think and what you can do to strengthen New Hampshire Peace Action
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Town of Residence in NH
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1. What do you think should be NH Peace Action's focus?
yes/ high priority
interested/medium priority
neutral/ don't know
not likely/low priority
no/ no priority
Building a culture of peace
Restraining US military aggression
Shifting US economic priorities from military to human needs
Eliminating nuclear weapons
Confronting structural inequity
Addressing ecological destruction & climate crisis
Educating the general public on issues of war and peace
Building power and influence with elected officials
Taking more direct action
Building a larger and more diverse group of peace activists
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2. What issues related to peace work should NHPA work on?
yes/ high priority
interested/medium priority
neutral/ don't know
not likely/ low priority
no/ no priority
Israel & Palestine
Ukraine & Russia
Yemen & larger Middle East
US domestic political violence
US gun violence
US arms and weapons manufacturing
Tensions & US military presence in East Asia
Military industrial complex in New Hampshire
US border & immigration policy
Pentagon budget
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3. What type of activity might YOU be interested in with NH Peace Action?
yes/ high priority
interested/medium priority
neutral/ don't know
not likely/ low priority
no/ no priority
Governance: serving on the board and committees
Recruiting new members/ volunteers
Building a more diverse and younger members/volunteers
Wider geographical base & local groups
Financial, fundraising & grant support
Issue specific coalition work
Build campaigns towards more action
Increase traditional & social media exposure
Lobby & engage elected officials
Explore ways to do more electoral politics
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4. Communities & groups to focus our outreach & potential coalition work
yes/ high priority
interested/medium priority
neutral/ don't know
not likely/ low priority
no/ no priority
Faith based communities
Racial and social justice
Economic justice & organized labor
Climate justice
New American, refugee & immigrant communities
Veterans groups
College campus activism
Political parties
Youth groups
Municipal & civic groups
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5. Your assessment and interest in NHPA programs, projects, and campaigns
neutral/ don't know
needs improvement
Palestine Education Network
NH Peacekeepers
350NH & climate justice coalition work
AFSC coalition work
Peace of Mind youth education
National & regional Peace Action campaigns
Peacemakers for Palestine
Back from the Brink campaign
Veterans for Peace coalition work
FCLN coalition work
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Please add any thoughts, concerns and ideas
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