Quaranturnt Crew - Strong Healthy Learning
Want some workouts for this shut down quarantine period? Give me your email address and you'll get a new workout everyday. If you have requests or questions, let me know. I'm here to help you.

My goal is that you have something stable and reliable in your life that helps you stay healthy as well as LEARN more about how to stay HEALTHY and STRONG. If want help using your available environment for workouts, or how to deal with an injury or particular goal, reach out and I'd love to help.

Daily emails include fitness education, tips of the day, good things happening in this world, and, of course, the workout.

Workouts will include: warmups, strength work, conditioning, and cool down stretches.

To help you know how to do the movements, I will post as much as I can on Instagram (link below) or at least include YouTube video links.

Share with your friends and we can build a strong #strong community!

My Instagram: www.instagram.com/markus_the_realiest
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