In order for our garden to stay happy and healthy it needs some TLC during the summertime. Unfortunately, school ends and the kids are not there to help us with upkeep. We are looking for volunteers to help during those summer weeks.
What your support week looks like:
-Water the garden about 4-5 times a week! If it's a rainy week you water less (use your best judgement).
-Pull weeds that you know are weeds.
-Harvest crops that are ready to take home and eat with your family! (Mrs. Warren will send REMIND updates of
 when crops are ready to harvest).

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Please select ALL the weeks that you would be interested in helping with. We will collect that data and get back to you via email in regards to what week will work for your support.
If you are unable to take on a whole week but would like to help provide summer support please use the space below to indicate which days you are able to do so.
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