2022 Action Plan Reviewer Sign-up
The ALL IN Challenge team truly appreciates your willingness to help us review and score the hundreds of action plans we will receive. Campuses have used previous feedback and scores to update their action plans and monitor the progress of developing an established action plan. In 2020, campuses that received action plan feedback and resubmitted their action plan on average saw a 6.4 point increase out of 36 possible points.

Returning 2022 Action Plan Reviewers:  You will NOT need to complete the action plan training again. Though we encourage you to review the revised Strengthening American Democracy Guide released in October 2021.

New Action Plan Reviewers: We will provide you with an action plan training by sending you a short recorded webinar explaining the action plan review process and having you score a sample plan as practice. We will then follow up to assign you your plans to review.

How the process works: Once you have completed your training, we will send you a list of campus action plans and an action plan review form. You will complete the action plan review form for each campus. When you have finished all of your action plans, please let us know!

If you have any questions about the action planning review process, please contact Dominique Mitchell, Program Coordinator of the ALL IN Challenge (dominique@civicnation.org).

Thank you so much for your time and help. It truly takes a community and we value your participation and support!

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Have you reviewed action plans with the ALL IN program before? *
Organization or Campus *
Number of plans you want to review (We anticipate that it will take 20 minutes to review one action plan. This will vary depending on the length of each action plan. During the 2020 action plan process, the average number of action plans reviewed by a reviewer was 10 plans). *
Please list any specific campuses or states that you want to review action plans for. We will do our best to match these preferences but cannot promise that any or all preferences can be made.
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