Seeking individuals with Down syndrome to participate in the Adult Poster Session at the 30th annual Pittsburgh Buddy Walk on October 19! In addition to registering for the Buddy Walk to attend (, please complete this form if you would like to participate in the poster sessions.
This is a wonderful opportunity for adults living with Down syndrome to demonstrate the many ways that they can share the many ways they contribute to their communities. Everyone has something special that they bring to their community…a talent, a hobby, a sport, a job…We would love to share this at our annual Buddy Walk that celebrates our families! The deadline to register is Sunday, October 13.
We will be located in a new location, in the Arcade area of PNC Park. When you enter through the Center Field Gate at registration, take a right and head down the steps/ramp and look for a bunch of easels and chairs. The poster presentations will be displayed and presented from 11:00am-2:00pm. You can register to reserve a spot in this tent for your poster, your adult advocate and one support person. Please follow these guidelines when helping your advocate register and develop their poster:
Register to reserve your spot in the adult self-advocate tent
Use 1 poster-sized foam board
Use photos to depict your awesome job, college, talent, hobby, sport, etc.
Use captions or descriptions as needed
You may choose to be present to provide verbal commentary to viewers
If you are unable to attend, you can send your poster to be included in the display. Email our team at to arrange for pick-up/drop-off.