Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Workshop - Trenton NE - November 2-3, 2024
Early Bird registration deadline is October 23, 2024, 4 pm CT. Registration fee goes up after 4pm CT on October 23 and registration will close on Friday, October 25, 2024, 4 pm CT. You will receive an email confirmation of your registration, if you don't, please call 402.395.2158. Please do not reply to the email confirmation. A reminder to complete the four Online modules before the workshop. Exception - if you have already completed these four modules you DO NOT need to complete them again.

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What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What is your address? *
What city/town? *
State *
Zip Code *
What is your cell phone number (ie. 402-395-2158)? *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Email Address (A valid Email is required to receive your confirmation and share information) *
Which county 4-H program do you intend to participate or work with? If none, select your county of residence. *
What is your Birth Date? (Tab to move cursor)
Choose one of the following disciplines you plan to receive certification/training. Class size is limited.
Are you registering as an Adult (21+) or Apprentice Instructor. Please choose one: *
Please enter the amount of payment due from above in the blank below and submit to the address below. *
Special Diet or other Accommodations Needed? Please indicate None or Other. If Other, please describe. *
Make check payable to - University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Payment required by October 28, 2024. You are officially registered when payment is received. Mail a printed copy of the confirmation email (check your spam too) along with your registration fee to:

Steve Pritchard
Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports
2624 Fairgrounds Road
Albion, NE 68620
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