Working in Australia - Hygiene, Fatigue and Drugs & Alcohol
Short training videos & a quick quiz to help our newest Australian workers upskill about their rights at work, safe practices and more!

Please watch each of the videos carefully and take the quizzes to test your knowledge. You should aim for 89 or more points to pass the training course.

Some useful tips & tricks are below - if you watch the video on your computer, you can choose to show subtitles in your language. You can also slow down the playback speed to make it easier to follow (this works on mobiles and desktop computers).

The training is split into 4 parts that should take about 20-30mins each to complete. It is up to you if you would like to take the 4 parts with breaks, or all at once. Have fun!

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Playing a video at lower (or higher) speed (iPhone)
Playing a video at lower (or higher) speed (Computer)
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