2022 Historic Shell Holiday Shop Application
***The 2022 Call for artists is now closed! If you’d like to learn more about the shop check here and feel free to email Alison at info@andsothere.com

Please fill out the form below by October 30th to be considered for the Historic Shell Holiday Shop. For all the details about this shop, visit our site, http://andsothere.com/shellholidayshop/
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your Name *
Your Business Name
Your Website
Your Instagram Handle (if you have one)
Where are you located?
Your age
Tell us a little bit about the work you'd like to share in our shop
What's the typical price range of your work?
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
We will be listing all items online during the span of the Holiday Shop- this is mainly to allow customers to arrange in-store pickup. Artists will need to provide a nice photo of each item, and will need to label each with a SKU and a price that will remain affixed (pencil is ok.)
Each unique item will need to be done separately– if it's a different color, or style it's a unique item.
Can you provide photos and tags for each item? *
Can you provide quality photos of your pieces? *
Can you easily label your pieces with the item number (SKU) we provide? *
To finish this application, please send 2-5 photos of the kind of work you'd like to share at the Holiday Shop to Alison at info@andsothere.com. Please include your name in the subject. *
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