20 is Plenty for Fishermead
This is a Petition for a 20mph speed limit for the whole of the Fishermead Estate.  If you live in Fishermead please enter your name, house number, street and postcode as we need to record which households have responded.  You can also enter your email to be kept informed.  And if you have a personal concern or experience of a car accident on Fishermead then let us know as this will help support the campaign.

All responses will be kept confidential.  And no personal information or email addresses will be shared with other organisations or companies.
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I support having a 20mph speed limit on the Fishermead Estate. *
Your Name *
Your House Number *
Your Street *
Your Postcode *
Your email - if you want to be kept informed of the campaign
Please confirm you are happy to sign up to our mailing list
Are you afraid for yourself, or others in your family, of being hit by a moving vehicle on Fishermead?  Or has someone you know been hit by a vehicle? Enter some details below.
I confirm that I am over 18 and live at the house address above *
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