Request Form for SCP Cataloging of Open Access Journals
Only UC bibliographers and selectors (or catalogers finding additional access) may use the form below to request cataloging records for individual Open Access journals that are not already in the MELVYL catalog. Additional Open Access links for existing SCP journals may also be requested.  If you would like to suggest a resource that is not a journal (such as databases, website, or monographs), contact the appropriate JSC subject liaison.

It is preferable that proposed journals (unless they are very recently published titles) are indexed in abstracting or indexing services.   For a definition of what constitutes open access and additional information about cataloging and providing access to publicly-available items, see "Open Access Resources at the UC Libraries: Policies and Procedures for Shared Cataloging, Linking and Management" (

To request cataloging projects consisting of TEN OR MORE TITLES, whether open access or licensed, please use the Request Form for New SCP Cataloging Projects (
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Cataloging of Open Access Journals
Title of open access journal *
URL of the journal *
Other Information (ISSN, OCLC#, etc.)
Name of database where abstracted or indexed
Please list other A&I databases if not included in the list above
Suggested subject headings for this journal
Additional comments (Optional)
Contact Information
Your name *
Your UC Email Address *
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Your campus affiliation *
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