A New Recovery Campus on Long Island: Your Recommendations and Ideas.
The City of Boston and its partners are beginning the process of planning for a future recovery campus on Long Island. We want to craft a truly resilient, innovative, and comprehensive recovery community that makes full use of the Island and the many surrounding resources in the Boston Region. Because of this, we believe it is critical to provide as many opportunities as possible to hear from as many different voices as possible. In addition to our ongoing focus groups and public conversations, we are also launching this brief, low-touch survey for anyone who wants share a their thoughts. To learn more about all these opportunities, visit boston.gov/long-island.

Note that answers to this survey will be part of public record. However, the City of Boston will do its best to make anonymous any names or personally-identifiable information that might be shared out broadly through future communication materials.
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Introduce yourself: What's your name and what would you like us to know about you? *
Tell us your idea: What input or ideas for a comprehensive recovery campus on Long Island would you like to share?
Other: Is there anything else you would like to share?
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