Fall 2022 College Mixed 4s at MIT Interest Form
Thank you for you interest in mixed 4s! This new format of our beloved sport is played in shorter games, on a smaller field, and with a fixed 2-2 gender ratio. For more information, check out the USAU announcement.

We are accepting teams on a rolling basis. Please keep this to 1 submission per school.

UPDATE (as of 10/25):
The deadline has passed but we are still accepting teams! Submit this form and we'll get back to you.

If USAU permits & there is enough interest, we will split the event into 2 divisions: a competitive and a developmental one. Please indicate how many teams from your school would want to participate in each division.

10/21: interest deadline
After this date, we will make decisions on accepting multiple teams from each school, in order that schools expressed interest.

10/28: payment deadline
If you need to pay by check and the money doesn't arrive by the deadline, we might ask you to front the money on Venmo and we can return it to you once we receive the check.

10/29: event confirmation
We reserve the right to cancel the event if there is not enough interest. We will reimburse 100% of the bid fee if that happens. We will run the event if at least 6 teams pay by the deadline, check the list of accepted teams below.

11/5-6: tournament
We might convert it into a 1-day event, in which case it would likely run on Saturday.

Roster size
USAU has not informed us about their roster requirements, so we intend to impose a roster minimum of 6 (we recommend you bring at least 8) and a maximum of 16 until we hear from them.

Cost and Payment
Bid fee: 250$ per team
We will reduce the bid fee in case this turns into a 1-day event.
If your school sends 2 teams, you get a 50$ discount.

Venmo (preferred): @grim-beaver 
Check processing fee: 25$

If you need an invoice, let us know as soon as possible. 

There will be no refunds after the payment deadline, unless the event is canceled. We will issue partial refunds if we transition to a 1-day event and reduce the bid fee.

Please send any questions to mixed-4s-2022@mit.edu.

Accepted schools (# teams in competitive/# teams in dev)
MIT (1/1)
* Tufts (2/1)
* Northeastern (1/2)
* UMass Amherst (2/0)
* Colby (1/1)
* Harvard (1/0)
* Boston University (2/0)
* Emerson College (1/1)
* Yale (1/0)

* Has not paid yet


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School *
Contact email(s) *
How many teams do you want to bring? *
Depending on interest, we are likely to limit the number of teams schools can bring. We will release the information on whether you can bring more than one team by 10/22.
If there were 2 divisions, how many teams would you want in the developmental division? *
How do you want to pay? *
More information above
Do you need
Questions, comments, concerns?
You can also contact us at mixed-4s-2022@mit.edu
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