Take our simple health quiz to get daily a vitamin tailored to your goals, lifestyle, and diet.
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Are you male or female? *
How old are you? *
In general, how much stress do you have in life? *
0 = None at all
9 = A lot, constantly
In general, how are your energy levels?
0 = Very Low
9 = Very High
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Do you regularly struggle to fall asleep? *
Do you regularly struggle to get up in the morning? *
How many hours do you exercise a week? *
How often do you get colds? *
How often do you smoke cigarettes? *
Are you on any restrictive diets? *
How many portions of fruit and veg do you eat per week? *
How many servings of eggs, nuts & seeds, and soy products do you eat per week? *
How many units of alcohol do you drink in an average week? *
(1 shot of spirit is 1 unit, a medium glass of wine or pint of beer is approximately 2 units.)
How many caffeinated drinks do you consume each week? *
In an average week, how many soft drinks, juices and sugary beverages do you consume? *
Is there anything you're particularly concerned about or want to improve? *
Has your doctor recommended  to take vitamin D or iron? *
Do you take any prescription medications?
If yes, write down the name of the medication here, if no, skip the question
Are you currently trying for a baby, pregnant or have you recently given birth? *
If you are male, simply select "None of the above"
Do you have any allergies, intolerances or sensitivities?
If yes, let us know what they are below, you may skip this question if you don't have any.
Do you need support with digestion? Write down your gut symptoms below
If yes, let us know what they are below, you may skip this question if you don't have any.
How much would you like to spend on your supplements per month *
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