MetaBrainz GCI 2019 evaluation for students
Hi! If you're here, you're (hopefully!) a student that participated under the MetaBrainz Foundation during Google Code-in 2019. If not, please do not submit the form. :)

These answers *are not* anonymous, because we have a task for submitting this survey, so we need a way to verify that students claiming to have done the task are actually the ones having done it. Sorry about that. This also means that we would prefer that you do not leave any real life personally identifiable information about yourself (e.g., your age, gender, location, nationality, real life name, etc.) in any of the answers.

Thank you so much in advance for filling this out. Hopefully you answering this will lead to an even better GCI in coming years!
GCI username *
OPTIONAL! Only if you have been on the #metabrainz or #musicbrainz IRC channels.
OPTIONAL: MusicBrainz/BookBrainz/… username
OPTIONAL! If you've done any editing tasks, you'll have created a MusicBrainz account which is used to log in on all our sites. If you want to share this with us, that'd be great. :)
OPTIONAL: GitHub username
OPTIONAL! If you've done any coding tasks, you should have submitted pull requests via GitHub. It'd be great if you'd share your GitHub username with us here.
Xóa hết câu trả lời
Không bao giờ gửi mật khẩu thông qua Google Biểu mẫu.
Biểu mẫu này đã được tạo ra bên trong MetaBrainz Foundation. Báo cáo Lạm dụng